Tech Insider
electric car charging
The electric car Nissan Leaf, at an electric vehicle charging station at Balboa Park.
Tech Insider
A Tesla owner said he camps in his Model S on long road trips.
A Tesla owner said he camps in his Model S on long road trips.
Tech Insider
Tesla electric cars charge at a Supercharger.
Tesla electric cars charge at a Supercharger.
Tech Insider
A red Tesla Model Y seen outside a Tesla showroom
The suit accuses the company of "false advertising," claiming Tesla overvalued the cars.
Tech Insider
A Tesla Model S at a charging station in New York.
Tesla owner Kathleen Goforth said she took her Model Y on a 9-day road trip through a rural area and had to get creative when it came to charging on the journey.
Tech Insider
Elon Musk sitting in the a passenger seat of a black Tesla with a white interior while wearing a black suit and tie.
Elon Musk gave the order himself for Teslas to present overly optimistic estimates of driving range, report says.