
Donald Trump recently called himself the “crypto president,” pulling a complete 180 from the days when he referred to crypto as a scam.


Donald Trump is embracing cryptocurrency ahead of the 2024 Presidential Election. The former President issued a rallying cry to Bitcoin miners this week to consolidate support from the crypto industry.

Tech Insider
A man whose face is swirling into a black hole. There's a car and a plane in the background and money flying everywhere.
Since its founding in 2020, WiFi Money has left a trail of lawsuits alleging fraud, bankruptcies, mental breakdowns, and financial devastation.
Tech Insider : Crypto

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Nearly all of FTX’s former customers will get back almost 100% of the money they lost at the time of the cryptocurrency exchange’s collapse — if not more.



Well, Sam Bankman-Fried is headed up the river. Once a powerful crypto power broker, SBF’s glittering Web3 kingdom came crashing down on his head after a multi-billion dollar scandal. It’s a good reminder that not only does Silicon Valley produce a lot of software products, but it also produces a whole lot of…

Tech Insider
Nigeria charged Binance and two of its executives with tax evasion.

While multi-billion dollar disasters like FTX might lead you to believe that the cryptocurrency industry is dead or dying, the