Tech Insider : Economy
Three cows in a field looking up at a large data center
For all of the fears about AI's brain — that chatbots will steal our jobs or somehow destroy humanity as we know it — it's AI's body that could claim us first.
Tech Insider : Politics
Yermak and Zelensky are surrounded by war and excessive oligarchy wealth.
On a global corruption index, Ukraine ranks 116 out of 180 countries — not far in front of Russia, which clocks in at 137.
Tech Insider : Economy
A large coin overshadowing a nutritional label.
As costs go up, companies are forced to either raise prices or cut costs on your favorite food items by skimping on ingredients.
Tech Insider : Economy
Illustration of a woman stressed at an office.
Gen Z workers entered the workplace at an unprecedented time — and for many, it's causing a lot of anxiety.
Tech Insider : Economy
Solar power turning into cash flow.
Instead of relying on monolithic utilities to keep the lights on, the rising popularity of solar panels and battery storage could allow average Americans to sell electricity to their neighbors.
Tech Insider : Economy
Bankers wrestling a piggy bank
The US economy is about to make a soft landing — a situation in which inflation cools without causing a recession or sudden spike in unemployment.
Tech Insider : Economy
A keychain containing  a house, sad face and covid virus.
The dream of owning a home with a yard in the suburbs is turning out to be disappointing.
Tech Insider : Travel, Travel
Illustration of a plane tray table with spilled food.
Air turbulence is on the rise. And it's going to make flights a whole lot bumpier.
Tech Insider : Economy
Illustration of scientists looking at someone working on a screen

Can a machine tell that you're mad just by looking at your face? Do your emails give away how stressed you are? Could a computer understand your emotions better than you?