Tech Insider
A worker at a power plant, tries to repair damages after a Russian attack in central Ukraine, Jan. 5, 2023.
A worker at a power plant after a Russian attack in central Ukraine in January 2023.
Tech Insider
Nuclear power plant/AI data center
A Swiss startup says it has pioneered a way to reduce radioactive waste from nuclear plants — which could help power data centers.
Tech Insider
Bill Gates arrives at the 10th Breakthrough Prize Ceremony.
Bill Gates at the Breakthrough Prize Ceremony.
Tech Insider
A yellow offshore gas platform burns methane, a potent greenhouse gas causing the climate crisis.
An offshore gas platform burns methane, a potent greenhouse gas that is causing the climate crisis.
Tech Insider
Maruwa ceramics
Japanese ceramics company Maruwa is banking on demand for its heat-dissipating products.
Tech Insider
A man walks through a power station
Huge batteries were the top contributor to California's energy grid twice in the past week.
Tech Insider : Economy, Economy
Inflation could see a resurgence in 2025, BlackRock strategists warned.
Inflation could see a resurgence in 2025, BlackRock strategists warned.