
Alex Jones is suffering under the weight of massive lawsuits and harsh social media bans, but he’s still finding ways to get his crazed philosophy out into the wider web.


Social media services have generally been free of charge for users, but now, with ad revenues slowing down, social media companies are looking for new revenue streams beyond targeted ads.


Facebook and Instagram influencers are losing access to a big moneymaking program that was previously paying out thousands of dollars per vid. It was an effort to get more Instagram users interested in watching the social network’s short-form video format Reels.



After reports revealed that Meta was planning on opening Horizon Worlds to teens, two democratic senators are now encouraging the company to reconsider. Meta’s virtual reality video game platform is currently 18+, but internal documents previously indicated that Meta was planning on enticing kids to join in on the…


Imagine you’re stuck in your daily commute and listening to a riveting audiobook, your mind far away and swimming with scenes of action and romance, only to be jettisoned back into reality when your listening is interrupted with an advertisement for, say, Pampers or Geico cutting in.



When Elon Musk took over Twitter, he gave employees one week to turn verification into a paid service. To many, the idea that anyone would pay for a blue check on Twitter seemed absurd, and even undermined the very idea of verification. The joke may be on us, it turns out.


With Elon Musk’s Twitter making an absolute mess with paid verification and Twitter Blue, rival Meta has stepped up to the plate with a similarly ludicrous plan to have users pay for the privilege of proving they are who they say they are on Facebook and Instagram. More than that, Meta is advertising those who pay…


A secretive Israeli cyber company is engineering ongoing influence operations directed at elections all over the world, a consortium of more than 30 news organizations reports. The CEO of the company, a former Israeli special forces agent named Tal Hanan, boasted to undercover journalists that his team of…


It’s not you, it’s the bird. Twitter users reported outages on the Twitter iOS app Wednesday, but using the social media site on a desktop seemed to be doing just fine.