Tech Insider
Nicola Prentis collaged with playground slide
Nicola Prentis is a single mom and often takes care of her company's admin at the playground.
Tech Insider : Economy
A sign on outside a restaurant on a street in Wyoming lists the menu items for the day.
Main Street in Bozeman, Montana. Wyoming and Montana have been hot spots for new businesses.
Tech Insider
Maman cafe in New York
Exterior of a Maman cafe in New York in 2021.
Tech Insider
Woman working at a desk on a sewing machine
Miru Wong the third-generation owner of Sindart, a hand-embroidered shoemaking shop in Hong Kong.
Tech Insider

The offers and details on this page may have updated or changed since the time of publication. See our article on Business Insider for current information.

Tech Insider
Stevie Howell sitting in front of art drawings pinned to the wall.
Stevie Howell started her business in San Francisco and said she doesn't think she ever would've started a business in another city
Tech Insider

The offers and details on this page may have updated or changed since the time of publication. See our article on Business Insider for current information.

Tech Insider : Travel

Correction: An earlier version of this story misstated the amount of feed Acipenser produces each month. It is about 60 metric tons per month, not kilograms. Business Insider also misstated that Acipenser released male Sturgeon into Lake Mantasoa. This has been removed.