
Name any genre and chances are Emily Blunt has it on her resume—horror, action, rom-com, thriller, mystery, musical, historical drama—and not only that, the movies she stars in overwhe


Yes, io9 used a very similar headline back in 2017 regarding a remake of The Crow—and Hollywood clearly did not listen; that long-in-the-works project is arriving in th


We’ve had a vague inkling ever since it was first announced that part of Aardman Animation and Netflix’s movie team up would include the next Wallace & Gromit fi


The Watchers is a brooding and chilling breakthrough feature film debut from Servant producer Ishana Shyamalan, based on the novel by A.M. Shine.


Producer M. Night Shyamalan—a name all horror fans are familiar with—presents The Watchers, directed by a name they’ll soon learn: Ishana Night Shyamalan.

Tech Insider
OpenAI Sora-generated video of woolly mammoths
This year's Tribeca Festival will feature short films made using generative AI.