Gizmodo : Environment

The last mammoths to walk the Earth did not succumb to inbreeding after hundreds of generations, despite being stuck on a remote island off the coast of Siberia.


Mark Zuckerberg made his first post in the “fediverse” on Thursday. If you have no idea what the hell that means, join the club.

Gizmodo : Environment

A female mammoth that lived 14,000 years ago made a trek across hundreds of miles of tundra to a hunter-gatherer settlement in central Alaska, according to a team of scientists that recently scrutinized isotopes in the tusk.



Less than two years after it launched, Donald Trump’s social media site, Truth Social, might be headed for the internet graveyard.


When the Arab Spring unfolded just over ten years ago, Twitter played a pivotal role. The site was both a source for up-to-the-minute information and an organizing tool for protestors, and some celebrated Twitter as part of a new, digital revolution. But this week, a less hopeful moment in the Middle East proved once…


Gizmodo : Environment

Accounts that used to regularly engage and tweet about climate-related issues have been dropping like flies on Twitter, less than a year after Elon Musk’s purchase of the company.


A new report suggests that the lax content moderation policies of Mastodon and other decentralized social media platforms have led to a proliferation of child sexual abuse material.


While Twitter deals with daily chaos and mounting debt, its biggest competitors are thinking they can do tweet storms even better than the ol’ blue bird. On Friday, Meta confirmed that it was working on a new stand-alone app for sharing Twitter-like messages.

Tech Insider
Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk
Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg, and Elon Musk.