
The company made famous by pandemic video chatting has a new vision for the future of work. Zoom CEO Eric Yuan told The Verge that AI avatars will one day do your job on your behalf.


Zoom is setting out to compete with Google and Microsoft by introducing Zoom Docs at its annual Zoomtopia 2023 event on Tuesday. Zoom Docs is the company’s own version of an AI-powered workspace that will provide users with AI capabilities to draft, edit, summarize, and include information from meeting discussions.



Another day, another company executive blowing more hot air—the CEO of one of the world’s largest companies is coming after those pesky remote workers. Amazon CEO Andy Jassey has threatened remote workers with termination if they don’t return to the office, saying there’s no more room for disagreement.



In the wake of the onslaught of the covid-19, employees across the world grew chummy with a perfectly appropriate remote work schedule that allows them to work from home. However, one of the companies that carried pandemic digital infrastructure on its back, Zoom, isn’t too keen on keeping remote workers away from the…


Tech Insider : Sports
Duane Carlisle is a performance coach based in San Jose, California, who trains some of the most powerful people in sports and business.
Duane Carlisle is a performance coach based in San Jose, California, who trains some of the most powerful people in sports and business.