
Sadly, people aren’t always as nice as they could be, and that’s where you need to turn to the various blocking and reporting features on the digital platforms you frequent. Overall, these features work well and effectively put up barriers between you and those you don’t want to hear from.



Hackers linked to the Russian government keep trying to penetrate Microsoft’s systems using information stolen in a hack from late 2023, according to an announcement from the tech company.


For weeks, Google has been warning users it’s getting ready to redesign its login page, an interface that billions of people use every day to access Gmail and countless websites across the internet. As of this week, the revamp is rolling out, and users are getting a first look.



As someone with a tech-related job, I’m regularly bombarded with questions about the best smartphones, why emails might have suddenly stopped showing up, and how to back up photos and videos. There’s another common question I hear a lot as well: How do I use Microsoft Office for free?


Significant delays affected certain Gmail users on Thursday, and Google says you may need to send that email again.


Gmail plans to start permanently deleting inactive accounts on December 1. Since November is almost over, we decided to give you one final urgent reminder to log into your old burner accounts to make sure they survive the Great Google Purge.


If you have an old Gmail account lying around that you haven’t used in a while, make sure to use it before December 1, or Google will permanently delete it. By ‘in a while,’ Google means two years. That’s the criteria they have set for the amount of time that should have passed for them to consider an account inactive.



Hell hath no fury like a customer scorned, and Microsoft is now learning that. After the tech company recently imposed storage limits for photos in a user’s OneDrive account, Microsoft has now reversed course after receiving a barrage of backlash.