Tech Insider
Composite photo of Lockheed Martin logo and Lockheed Martin brand apparel
Composite photo of Lockheed Martin logo and a screenshot of Lockheed Martin brand apparel
Tech Insider
1024px Task_Force_Smith
Task Force Smith arrives in South Korea to begin the Korean war in 1950.
Tech Insider
  • A 1-kilogram bottle of artisanal rice syrup can reach $140.
  • It's all due to sikhye: a mixture of steamed rice, hot water, and barley malt.
  • Sikhye takes days — and nights — of hard work to achieve.

Rice syrup is a staple in Korean cuisine.

Tech Insider
South Korean office workers walking on the street after work in Seoul.
South Korean millennials and Gen Z are raging against the idea of a 69-hour workweek. They are tired, having fewer babies, and are even working themselves to death.
Tech Insider : Politics
kim jong un
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un greets a women's subunit during a rocket launching drill.