
It takes a whole lot of power and data to both train and run the AI models that have big tech so enamored. To support its AI ambitions on Bing Search, Microsoft leaped into the welcoming arms of cloud computing giant Oracle, all the better to help feed the ever-hungry multi-headed hydra that is AI.


As Google faces a massive antitrust lawsuit, revelations surrounding the case have presented us with a glimpse into an alternate reality.

Tech Insider
Satya Nadella
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella speaks at the launch of the company's Bing AI search tool.
Tech Insider
Picture of the entrance to New York Google building.
Switching from Google to other search engines on mobile devices takes around 10 steps, according to Testimony.

As Google faced off against the Department of Justice on the first day of a hotly anticipated antitrust trial, company lawyer John Schmidtlein laid out an interesting perspective. “This case is really all about Microsoft,” Schmidtlein said.


Whether you love or hate Google Chrome, you can’t deny its name has become synonymous with “going online” since its debut in


Google’s experiments with AI-generated search results produce some troubling answers, Gizmodo has learned, including justifications for slavery and genocide and the positive effects of banning books. In one instance, Google gave cooking tips for Amanita ocreata, a poisonous mushroom known as the “angel of death.” The…


Tech Insider
Sam Altman
Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI. The researchers disclosed their methods to the company.