Tech Insider
Instacart delivery
Workers for Instacart and other gig services are tracking which houses tip bait, including by marking offending addresses on Google Maps.

Live streamers or anyone who just wants to look a little better on camera can now grab our recommended light for $10 off.


If you regularly play games on a PC, a good mouse will give you greater control over your cursor, add a few more buttons you can customize to your liking and generally make your downtime more comfortable. In competitive games, the best gaming mouse won’t magically make you unstoppable, but the faster response time and extra inputs should make for a more pleasurable and responsive experience.

Tech Insider
A bag of pet food sits in a metal carrier in a Hutto, Texas Dollar General store. A hole chewed by a rat through the bag is visible.
A chewed up bag of pet food at a Dollar General store in Texas. It's one of the latest examples of a dollar store to face a rodent infestation.
Tech Insider
A Kroger shopper in Ohio said that she was charged $2,783.25, about 10 times what she should've been, for an order of groceries for delivery.
Tech Insider
TikToks of Aritzia
Aritzia's mirrorless-dressing-room approach has become a source of tension for some shoppers.