
Sometimes you just want a portrait of your favorite characters from TV and movies on your wall. And when that happens, artist Dakota Randall is there.


In a modern movie landscape dominated by mega franchises, 2024 is looking mighty odd indeed. Yes, we’ve got films coming from DC, Marvel, Transformers, Lord of the Rings, and a few others, but almost all of them are slightly off-brand. The Transformers and Lord of the Rings movies are animated.


With just one episode remaining in Rick and Morty season seven, it’s officially time to celebrate: fans need not have worried about


It’s the season of horror movies—but if you don’t have the time or the fright tolerance to watch a feature, why not stream


Satanic Panic—in which a shocking number of people got swept up in the idea that evil cults lurked across America—peaked nearly four decades ago, but we can still feel its reverberations.


Avengers: Endgame directors the Russo Brothers are delving into the spy genre with Prime Video’s star-studded new series Citadel, and the first trailer is here.