
In a modern movie landscape dominated by mega franchises, 2024 is looking mighty odd indeed. Yes, we’ve got films coming from DC, Marvel, Transformers, Lord of the Rings, and a few others, but almost all of them are slightly off-brand. The Transformers and Lord of the Rings movies are animated.


Nearly five years ago, acclaimed filmmaker Francis Ford Coppola talked about his plans to finally create a movie he’s had cooking in his head since the ‘80s. He even tried to make it during the early 2000s, but 9/11 made that impossible, since he felt it would be in bad taste.


Facebook and Instagram are taking some of their strongest steps yet to clamp down on child sexual abuse material (CSAM) that is flooding their social networks. Meta, the parent company of both, is creating a database in partnership with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) that will allow …