Gizmodo : Politics

Yet again, another report based on U.S. intelligence sources has re-re-realleged that the mysterious “Havana syndrome” wasn’t brought on by some foreign adversary wielding strange energy weapons. As to any other possibilities for hundreds of U.S. officials experiencing a constellation of symptoms while working…


Digital World Acquisition Corp. (DWAC), the Donald Trump-backed shell company angling to take the former president’s social media platform Truth Social public, has run into yet more trouble.

Gizmodo : Politics

A fast-tracked, vague Republican bill granting the Biden administration the ability to impose a nationwide TikTok ban moved a step closer toward legality on Tuesday after passing a vote in the House Foreign Affairs Committee. The sweeping new legislation, if passed into law, would grant the Biden administration the…


Four months after Elon Musk took the helm at Twitter and promised to make it a loud-mouthed, free-for-all wonderland, the company has released yet another in a long line major speech policy changes, this time announcing a “zero-tolerance approach” towards violent speech in a reversal of its previous stance. So much…

Gizmodo : Politics

Billionaire Fox Corporation Chair Rupert Murdoch thought all the noise spewed by former President Donald Trump during his “stop the steal” hoax was “bullshit and damaging.” However, the thought of curbing the spread of an incredibly dangerous conspiracy wasn’t at the top of his mind back then. He was focused on…


Gizmodo : Technology

Twitter users could have the chance to pivot to an upcoming rival social media app, Bluesky, which launched its Beta test on Apple’s app store Tuesday.


This week, the Supreme Court is hearing two cases that could upend the way we’ve come to understand freedom of speech on the internet. Both Gonzalez v.

Gizmodo : Politics

An organization supporting Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign used location data to send misleading ads to people who attended campaign events for Nikki Haley’s nascent presidential run.


Gizmodo : Technology

This week, the Supreme Court is hearing two cases that could upend the way we’ve come to understand freedom of speech on the internet. Both Gonzalez v.


U.S. Supreme Court justices may be many things, but they definitely aren’t social media experts. The justices roasted themselves during oral arguments Tuesday of a case against Google that could determine the fate of nearly all speech online. Tech companies and advocates fear a ruling against Google could…