
It’s fair to say that printers are hardly the most exciting electronic gadgets, but when you need a physical copy of something, what will your smartphone or laptop do about it? Printers remain a necessity for a lot of us, and if you’re in the market for one, this shortlist of our favorite printers available in 2024…



On average, smartphone users take about 20 photos a day. While that number seems low, I know there have been plenty of times I’ve looked back at photos I’ve taken and thought, “That’d make a nice printout,” and never followed through because printing is a bit of a hassle.


HP has finally given us what we’ve wanted for so long. A photo booth that is 1) portable and 2) doesn’t make you spend a fortune trying to get good shots. The HP Sprocket Photobooth unveiled at CES 2024 could be the next cool thing if its quality-related promises are kept.



Printers are one of the great necessary evils in our modern world, much to the chagrin of consumers. Now a federal judge has ruled that HP must face a class action lawsuit, in which the plaintiffs argue that the company’s all-in-one printers brick themselves when the ink runs low.



HP is receiving backlash after users reported that their non-brand ink cartridges stopped working following recent firmware updates.


It’s unfortunately arriving a little too late to woo whoever was your Valentine this year, but next month, you’ll be able to pre-order a 3D printer that swaps melted plastic for melted chocolate, allowing you to

Gizmodo : Technology

Much of the technical progress in the world of 3D printing sees the technology being pushed to its max, with super-sized printers churning out ever