Tech Insider : Economy, Economy
An older man walking on a hiking path
George Dziamniski, 62, (not pictured) lives off his Social Security income and part-time paycheck from Walmart.
Tech Insider : Economy, Economy
Older couple grocery shopping.
For many boomers without retirement savings, Social Security isn't enough to cover daily expenses.
Tech Insider : Economy
Discount signs
American consumers are getting tighter with their wallets and pickier about deals.
Tech Insider : Economy, Economy, Politics
Woman pushing a shopping cart
Millions of low-income families are on SNAP but struggle to afford the full cost of groceries.
Tech Insider : Economy, Economy, Politics
An older woman sitting on a bench, facing away from the camera
Virginia Hambrick, 66, (not pictured) and her husband live on her $1,615 monthly Social Security income. They struggle to afford basic necessities like rent, groceries, and healthcare.
Tech Insider
A picture of a man with a city in the background.
Sam Dogen gave up financial freedom to give his family a bigger home.
Tech Insider : Economy, Economy, Politics
Older adult couple facing away from the camera
Mary Dacus, 69, said she and her husband (not pictured) live off their Social Security income.
Tech Insider : Economy
Arlington, Virginia.
Arlington, Virginia, retirees have the highest retirement income nationwide.