
Stars very close to the center of our galaxy could be fueled by dark matter in perpetuity, according to a team of astronomers who recently studied the distant light sources.



Maika Monroe teases an even darker sequel inThey Follow. The Doctor and Mel face a storm of death in Doctor Who’s season finale. Plus, what to expect from the next House of the Dragon. To me, my spoilers!



Hulu and Disney+ have been fully integrated for months now, which means if you happen to be on the streamer watching the new Doctor Who or


Streaming on demand is the most popular way of watching movies and TV for obvious reasons: it’s way more convenient to watch something when you want to, not when a network slots it into a schedule.


In October 2022, an extremely bright flash caught the attention of the Gemini South telescope in Chile. It was quickly determined to be the brightest ever seen, hence its nickname: the Brightest Of All Time (the BOAT).


T Coronae Borealis, a binary star system located 3,000 light-years from Earth, is a ticking time bomb waiting to explode. And if the recurring nova follows its usual pattern, we can expect to see a new, albeit temporary, star appearing in our night sky any day now.


A collection of stars 30,000 light-years away is the faintest and lowest-mass Milky Way satellite ever found, according to the group of scientists who recently observed it. Oh, and it may be dominated by dark matter, the unknown stuff that makes up about 27% of the universe.


Disney+ and Hulu are now a single destination, after a beta period designed in part to let parents fiddle with the settings ahead of Disney+’s impending influx


Since 1994, My Chemical Romance frontman Gerard Way has dipped in and out of making comics.