Tech Insider : Climate Crisis
Catherine Boudreau, Dr. Susan Chomba, Dr. Michal Nachmany
Insider's Catherine Boudreau led a panel with Susan Chomba, director of vital landscapes at the World Resources Institute, and Michal Nachmany, founder and CEO of Climate Policy Radar.
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A composite image showing a grey squirrel on the left and Russian state Tv host Olga Skabayeva on the right.
Russian state TV host Olga Skabayeva pounced on a UK news cycle about eating squirrels.
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Great White Shark, Carcharodon carcharias, USA, California, Pacific Ocean, Farallon Island, San Francisco Bay
The coast of Southern California has become a nursery hot spot for juvenile great white sharks.
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great salt lake
The Great Salt Lake in Utah is at risk of disappearing within five years, scientists say.
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Daina Buchner
Daina Buchner holding a drone she uses to capture images of ocean animals.