Gizmodo : Environment

Mammals are halfway through their era on this planet. We’ve existed about 250 million years since mammals evolved on earth and we only have another 250 million left before most of the world is no longer habitable.


Tech Insider
A Greenland shark picture taken at the floe edge of the Admiralty Inlet, Nunavut, 2007.
Tech Insider
A humpback whale breaches off in the coast of Ilhabela, state of Sao Paulo, Brazil July 22, 2023.
A humpback whale breaching off in the coast of Ilhabela, an archipelago in South-East Brazil, at the end of July.

Earlier in the week, NBCUniversal drew controversy when it suddenly up and pruned a bunch of shade trees in front of its lot.

Gizmodo : Environment

For the past 15 years, a small NASA spacecraft has explored the edge of space, probing the elusive clouds that form in Earth’s mesosphere. But the spacecraft is no longer operating the way it used to, forcing the team to end its mission.


Gizmodo : Environment

Readers of the daily email newsletter of one of the country’s leading right-wing, fossil fuel-funded think tanks were treated to a bizarre sight this week: an AI-generated image of a dead whale washed ashore on a beach in front of wind turbines, above a fearmongering story about offshore wind. Unfortunately, what is…

Gizmodo : Environment

Officials in Texas want to make sure the state’s science textbooks don’t paint oil and gas in a bad light.

Gizmodo : Environment

Nearly 400,000 people in the U.S. were still without power across the country Wednesday morning as wild winter weather pummeled both coasts.