Gizmodo : Environment

Avian influenza has come for New York City’s birds. In a new study Wednesday, scientists report traces of highly pathogenic H5N1 in a small number of NYC’s wild bird population. Though this discovery may not be directly related to the ongoing outbreaks of H5N1 in U.S. dairy cattle, it’s another sign that these viruses…


Gizmodo : Environment

For more than five years, a pair of spacecraft have been traveling through the solar system to reach the innermost planet Mercury and observe its extreme conditions. During its complex journey, the BepiColombo mission ran into a problem that’s preventing its thrusters from operating at full power, potentially…


Gizmodo : Environment

Engineers are cooking up a new clean energy solution: charging up crystals with solar energy to temperatures of 1,832 degrees Fahrenheit (1,000 degrees Celsius), potentially making them a greener substitute for the carbon-intensive processes that smelt steel and cook cement.


Gizmodo : Environment

Conspiracy theorists on social media have been busy at work peddling their latest conclusion: The magnificent auroras seen over swaths of four different continents over the weekend were caused by a University of Alaska program that studies the ionosphere. Which, of course, is pure nonsense.


Gizmodo : Environment

Oh, there it is. Jupiter’s unassuming moon Amalthea was spotted in two recent images captured by NASA’s Juno probe.


Gizmodo : Environment

On Friday, Earth was hit by the strongest geomagnetic storm in 20 years. Intense solar activity sent bursts of radiation toward Earth, causing fluctuations in the upper atmosphere that led to disruptions in the power grid and radio blackouts, among other technologies and infrastructure.


Gizmodo : Environment

Health officials in Minnesota and Wisconsin issued air quality warnings on Sunday after the smoke from wildfires raging in western Canada started to reach the Upper Midwest. And it’s causing plenty of anxiety in people across a large swath of the U.S. who are dreading the idea of spending yet another summer choking…