Gizmodo : Environment

Engineers are cooking up a new clean energy solution: charging up crystals with solar energy to temperatures of 1,832 degrees Fahrenheit (1,000 degrees Celsius), potentially making them a greener substitute for the carbon-intensive processes that smelt steel and cook cement.


Gizmodo : Environment

Americans tossed 292.4 million tons of trash into landfills in 2018, or about 5 pounds of garbage per person per day.

Gizmodo : Environment

Texas will vote on whether to give the oil and gas industry billions to make its barely-working power grid more reliable while ignoring the benefits of renewable energy.

Gizmodo : Environment

Heating and cooling homes can be expensive, but thankfully, there are heat pumps. And these electric home coolers and heaters are efficient home systems even in extremely cold temperatures, new research has found.