Gizmodo : Politics

Elon Musk is completely obsessed with illegal immigration—something that’s not exactly a surprise, given the fact that he’s both a Republican and one of the we


Elon Musk has spent the better part of a year complaining about “illegal immigrants” who are “invading” the country.

Gizmodo : Politics

TikTok is allegedly being used by Chinese migrants to cross the United States’ southern border, first reported by

Tech Insider : Politics
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis speaks to supporters at a campaign stop on the Keep Florida Free Tour at the Horsepower Ranch in Geneva. DeSantis faces former Florida Gov. Charlie Crist for the general election for Florida Governor in November.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis speaks to supporters at a campaign stop on the Keep Florida Free Tour at the Horsepower Ranch in Geneva. DeSantis faces former Florida Gov.