Gizmodo : Technology

After a week mired in old controversy rearing its head once again, Samsung has officially detailed how its smartphones take such high fidelity photos of the moon.


Launched in mid-2022, the V-Moda S80 on-ear headphones didn’t gain much traction. Initially priced at $400, in just less than a year, their price has been slashed down to $170, and rightfully so. For $400, the S-80s lacked a number of features you’d normally take for granted at that price point, like ANC. We’re not…

Gizmodo : Technology

January brings feelings of new beginnings and fresh starts, while February always seems to be just another reminder of how quickly the year flies by. It probably has something to with the month clocking in at just 28 days, but that was still enough time for lots of weird and wonderful gadgets to debut this year, and…


Headphone enthusiasts can be a fickle bunch, but if you manage to pull a group of them away from their amps and Super Audio CD players to ask them to recommend a pair of cans, most would point you towards the Sennheiser 600-series. Over the past 25 years, Sennheiser has been trickling out minor updates to the line,…