Tech Insider
cow udder rigged with machine and tubes for milking
A dairy cow is milked at the South Mountain Creamery farm in Middletown, Maryland.
Tech Insider
A firefighter demonstrates a cold water immersion technique on a mannequin wrapped in a blue tarp
Phoenix Fire Captain John Prato demonstrates how emergency medical professionals can treat heat stroke with ice and a body bag.
Tech Insider
The ISS' exterior, taken in June 2023, shows the SpaceX Dragon crew and cargo vehicles docked.
This photo of the ISS' exterior was taken in June 2023.
Tech Insider
dyson sphere
Scientists still haven't found proof that Dyson spheres exist, but a new study has significantly narrowed the search for these super-advanced alien megastructures.
Tech Insider
An asteroid floats above Earth
Two different "potentially hazardous" asteroids will fly by Earth this week. Both will be rare and spectacular events, but they won't threaten Earth.
Tech Insider
Elon Musk SpaceX
Elon Musk gave a YouTuber a tour of his SpaceX Stafactory rocket production facility.
Tech Insider
3D facial mold and 2D skin robot covered with living skin
Researchers created a 3D facial mold and a 2D robot covered with lab-grown living skin.