Tech Insider
Avi Loeb Stephen Hawking 2016.JPG
Physicist Avi Loeb, right, is on stage with physicist Stephen Hawking and others, who are unrelated to this article, in New York in 2016.
Tech Insider : Economy
Illustration of scientists looking at someone working on a screen

Can a machine tell that you're mad just by looking at your face? Do your emails give away how stressed you are? Could a computer understand your emotions better than you?

Tech Insider
A diver in blue swims among stalagmites and stalactites in the Yucatán's underwater caves
Divers swam throughout Yucatán's underwater caves taking samples of the different microbes that live there.
Tech Insider
Stage separation success of SpaceX's Super Heavy booster and Starship rocket.
Stage separation success of SpaceX's Super Heavy booster and Starship rocket. This skitched image was taken from a screenshot of SpaceX's livestream on X.
Tech Insider
starship prototype explosions collage spacex boca chica spadre
Three previous explosions of Starship prototypes.
Tech Insider
SpaceX's Starship-Super Heavy rocket ready to launch.
Screenshot of SpaceX's Starship-Super Heavy rocket on launch pad. This photo was taken from the SpaceX livestream on X.
Tech Insider
SpaceX's Starship-Super Heavy rocket ready to launch.
Screenshot of SpaceX's Starship-Super Heavy rocket on launch pad. This photo was taken from the SpaceX livestream on X.
Tech Insider
A trail of squat lobsters, small white crabs, on the ocean floor
"Leading us like breadcrumbs..." A trail of squat lobsters helped researchers locate previously unknown hydrothermal vents.