Tech Insider
An aerial view of the Mississippi River in New Orleans, Louisiana.
The Mississippi River is facing a low flow rate, which could allow saltwater to pollute New Orleans' drinking water.
Tech Insider : Environment
The flowers of a Pernambuco holly tree (Ilex sapiiformis).
The flowers of a Pernambuco holly tree (Ilex sapiiformis).
Tech Insider
Side by side images show Richard Dinan, a caucasian blonde man with shoulder length hair, appearing at a press event in 2012 on the left, and him fixing a component of a rocket engine on the right.
Richard Dinan, CEO of Pulsar Fusion, shown left at a press event around the time he appeared in "Made in Chelsea" on the left, and shown next to a component of a rocket engine on the right.
Tech Insider : Travel
Emperor Penguin chicks
Emperor Penguin chicks at colony Snow Hill Island, Antarctica, where part of the ice melted killing thousands of baby penguins.
Tech Insider
Prehistoric sandals
Scientists have confirmed that sets of sandals found in a bat cave in southern Spain could be up to 6,200 years old.
Tech Insider
A person putting food down on a buffet table
Buffets can be contaminated by other peoples germs or have food that has sat out for too long.
Tech Insider
An Australian magpie is shown giving a camera the side eye as it swoops down toward a cyclist.
An Australian magpie captured swooping down on a cyclist.