Tech Insider

The new strain of bird flu has infected more than 90 million chickens and has spread to dairy cows and even humans. Here's what you need to know about the "global pandemic for animals."

Tech Insider
Chart of oVert scans
OVert's CT scans reveal a myriad of information about the anatomy of thousands of specimens, offering insight into how these animals lived and reproduced.
Tech Insider
Two men stand in a boat illuminated by fire. The man on the left has his arms raised, holding on to many different ropes connected to the necks of birds in front of the boat.
Youichiro Adachi, a cormorant fishing master known as an usho, holds leashes tied to the necks of cormorants as he prepares for cormorant fishing on the Nagara River in Oze, Seki, Japan.
Tech Insider
An Australian magpie is shown giving a camera the side eye as it swoops down toward a cyclist.
An Australian magpie captured swooping down on a cyclist.
Tech Insider
A view of a taxidermy bird drone for wildlife monitoring developed by researchers at New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology in Socorro, New Mexico, U.S. March 22, 2023.
A view of a taxidermy bird drone for wildlife monitoring developed by researchers at New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology in Socorro, New Mexico, U.S. March 22, 2023.
Tech Insider
A red-shouldered hawk fluffs its feathers on a branch
The red-shouldered hawk is an endangered species the department is charged to protect. Instead, it damaged the bird's habitat while making space for the American woodcock.
Gizmodo : Environment

December and January represent breeding season for seabirds in Antarctica, a time when there should be thousands of active nests. But strong snowstorms during the 2021-2022 season made it difficult for birds to access their usual grounds and resulted in a total failure to reproduce for multiple species.