Gizmodo : Sports

I love EDM and have briefly tried my hand at DJing before to, let’s say, mixed results. So when I found out that I could make music with a pair of balls instead of a turntable or digital mixer, I thought, who knows—maybe this will be the start of my career as a juggling DJ.

Here’s how the Odd Ball works. It connects to…



If you thought the less-than-stellar launch of the highly anticipated Rabbit R1 AI device was all that happened in gadget news this week, we understand. Everyone in the tech industry was talking about this thing and no one particularly likes it. Our full review is still forthcoming, but our first impressions were very…



If you were born early enough to come into semi-adulthood in 1999, you used to have a Nokia 3210. OK, maybe you didn’t, but your friend or a family member had one, or they had a slightly later model. Maybe you forgot about it completely because, for hell’s sake, it’s been 25 years. But you’d recognize the silhouette,…



There’s nothing more frustrating than a bad internet connection, but researchers out of Aston University may have just solved that problem forever.


Before the year 2000, Super Bowl commercials from tech companies offered millions of viewers their first glimpses of the future. Gizmodo watched dozens of videos from the 1980s and ‘90s to find the most iconic Super Bowl commercials from the early tech industry.


I know the headline says classic phones, and you’re probably expecting some vintage tech here. I also know you will hate me for making you feel old by making the 2000s sound like prehistoric times. So, before we start, I’d like to clarify that, as a 1997-born, these phones are my earliest memory of cell phones in…

Gizmodo : Environment

A Martian moons mission, a plethora of private lunar landers, probes to Venus and Jupiter, and reusable heavy-lift rocket tests are among the many highlights we’ll be watching in the coming 12 months, in what looks to be an extraordinary year in spaceflight. Here’s your 2024 calendar.



How best can you display the advances in technology over the years? Let’s take a PC like the landmark original 1984 Apple Macintosh—later rebranded the Macintosh 128K—and shrink it by more than half. Then, boost its processing capability and memory by a factor of thousands or even tens of thousands—AKA modern mobile…



It seems that these days, every other company wants to try its hand at releasing handheld gaming PCs.

Tech Insider : Technology
Nokia phone
Nokia phones were a staple for many before the advent of smartphones.