Tech Insider
Jhonathan Vazquez and his wife pose with their daughter
Jhonathan Vazquez and his wife had a baby daughter about two years after moving to Tulsa.
Tech Insider : Economy
Laura Landers (left), Corinne Gaston (middle), and Michael Boyink (right)
Laura Landers (left), Corinne Gaston (middle), and Michael Boyink (right) all moved to Tulsa through Tulsa Remote
Tech Insider
Ryann Cooke posing outdoors in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Ryann Cooke moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma two months after applying for the Tulsa Remote program.
Tech Insider
Lillian Griffith
Lillian Griffith left Georgia and moved to Tulsa in August 2022.
Tech Insider
Buildings burning during Race Riots, Greenwood District, Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Buildings burning during Race Riots, Greenwood District, Tulsa, Oklahoma