
You can now check your temperature with your Pixel 8 Pro thanks to the new updates Google recently added to its flagship phone. The newly added temperature sensor allows you to simply put your phone to your forehead and check how you’re doing.


Not since 1972 has a human set foot on the Moon, but NASA is aiming to change that through its ambitious Artemis program. The lunar missions kicked off on November 16, 2022 with Artemis 1, and now the space agency is preparing its astronauts for bigger and bolder missions to the Moon.


Samsung didn’t release any new lower-cost, lower-powered “fan edition” phone last year in the months since it released the Galaxy S22. Instead, the company took its time and gave it a full year before it could come out with a full refresh.


Four astronauts arrived at the International Space Station on Friday, finally crossing through the space station’s hatch after ground teams troubleshooted a faulty sensor on SpaceX’s Dragon capsule.