
There’s been a lot of talk recently about NFTs, mainly that the vast majority of them are now damn near worthless.



On March 29, 2023, more than 500 top technologists and business leaders signed onto an eye-catching open letter begging artificial intelligence labs to immediately pause all training on any AI systems more powerful than


As if the hype around AI couldn’t get any more exasperating, Coca-Cola had to hop on the bandwagon. The massive beverage company has tapped an artificial intelligence to serve as its advisor in developing a new flavor of its titular soft drink.

  • Some of the biggest names in tech met with Chuck Schumer in Washington D.C. this week for a close-door summit designed to inform future AI policy.

TikTok is the next generation of information, for better or (usually) for worse. A new report reveals that some major TikTok dietitians are being paid off by the food industry to shape viewers eating habits.


Gizmodo : Environment

As the war on plastic straws rages on, researchers in Korea have created a bioplastic alternative that is made out of potato starch and citric acid.