
Coraline, the 2009 stop-motion animated film by The Nightmare Before Christmas director Henry Selick, was a beloved hit from the instant it was released.


Conservative grifter and disgraced country musician Jason Aldean has been under the microscope for his maligned anti-protest track “Try That in a Small Town.” After a barrage of bad publicity accusing Aldean of promoting lynching and violence via the song’s lyrics and video, a TikTok user debunked Aldean’s claims that…


These days, franchise sequels can take years to come to fruition. Writers toiling over the scripts. Long stints of pre-production in hopes it’ll make grueling, pressure-packed shoots go off without a hitch.


For the past few years, as fans have watched the drama unfold at DC Films, David F. Sandberg has had a front-row seat.