Tech Insider
Left: Headshot of a white woman smiling, right: busy street in Shanghai, China
Sue Campbell (left) moved to Hong Kong and worked across China for eight years, mainly in Shanghai.
Tech Insider
Flooding in Zhuozhou city in China's Hebei province, August 9, 2023.
Tech Insider : Economy
The Apple logo next to Chinese flags.
The Chinese national flag is displayed in front of an Apple store in Shanghai on October 9, 2021.
Tech Insider : Travel, Travel
Aidan Fairhall, 34, has spent nearly a decade teaching in three international schools in China.
Aidan Fairhall, 34, has spent nearly a decade teaching in international schools in Guangzhou and Shanghai.
Tech Insider : Technology
Yuri Zanoni is a 33-year-old tech worker from Brazil, who spent the past three years working for Chinese tech companies Alibaba and ByteDance
Yuri Zanoni is a 33-year-old tech worker from Brazil, who has spent the past three years working for Chinese tech companies Alibaba and ByteDance