Tech Insider
envelopees with red alert bubbles like email
Gmail is broken, but customizable tabs could fix it.

Sadly, people aren’t always as nice as they could be, and that’s where you need to turn to the various blocking and reporting features on the digital platforms you frequent. Overall, these features work well and effectively put up barriers between you and those you don’t want to hear from.



You only need two letters to describe best the latest iteration of Google’s big yearly developer shebang: AI.


Just yesterday, I was talking about how Apple’s new AI-powered transcription and summarization feature for voice memos on iPhone is one of the features Rabbit promised on the R1 for later thi


Google Gemini (previously Google Bard) is the name of both Google’s AI models and the apps that we use to interface with them.

Tech Insider
Google Gmail
Gmail launched on April 1, 2004.
Tech Insider
Photo illustration of Google apps, including Gmail, YouTube and Google Drive.
Google apps, including Gmail.

For weeks, Google has been warning users it’s getting ready to redesign its login page, an interface that billions of people use every day to access Gmail and countless websites across the internet. As of this week, the revamp is rolling out, and users are getting a first look.