
Christopher Eccleston has had a long road of private and publicly processing his time on Doctor Who—for many years, the actor simply refused to talk about why, having helped turn the series


For Doctor Who fans, the introduction of a new Doctor is always an event in and of itself.


Human drama suffused with alien weirdness? A shotgun blast of emotional sincerity to sweep you away from barely coherent sci-fi technobabble? The power of love, specifically encapsulating queer love? David Tennant and Catherine Tate running around the place having the time of their lives? Do not adjust your clocks…



There is nothing weirder than going to a feature panel at New York Comic Con focusing on a single actor and hearing them talk about… well… nothing.


Next month, Doctor Who turns 60, and it’s celebrating in style between a trio of new episodes and all sorts of retrospective lookbacks—but one of its most


Fifteen years after the character was first introduced and five years after her story came to a standstill,