Tech Insider : Economy
Real estate agents run to get a deal on a house for sale.
A surplus of real-estate agents is bad for both the industry and regular home buyers and sellers.

A glut of mediocre Realtors is screwing over homebuyers

Tech Insider : Economy
A House speeding downwards with graph arrows towards a realtor
As home sales slow down and inventory gets tighter, real-estate agents are about to find out who's in it for the long haul and who will get washed out.

Many won't survive the housing crunch

Tech Insider : Economy
Houses being hooarded by boomers illustration
Sorry millennials, baby boomers are back on top of the generational housing heap.

Millennials are desperate to buy a home — but cash-flush boomers are standing in their way

Tech Insider

Gooood morning readers! I'm Phil Rosen. On tap today we've got a great interview with a top real estate economist and this week's best markets stories, including updates on the Silicon Valley Bank meltdown.

Before we get to that — who do you think I should speak to next?