
Elon Musk became the butt of more than a few jokes after internet users pointed out Tesla’s robot demo wasn’t all it appeared to be.


This week Apple got a dose of reality as people are caring less about its Vision Pro. A robot tank with green eyes and a robo dog with a flamethrower show that the future of warfare is here. And to round things out, Elon Musk’s AI bot isn’t that smart. Here’s all the big tech news for the week.



DARPA announced successful tests of its new autonomous vehicles on Wednesday, all part of the agency’s Robotic Autonomy in Complex Environments with Resiliency (RACER) program. And while the tests sound impressive, we found ourselves transfixed by one little visual detail: The tank’s glowing green eyes.



The U.S. military has spent the past month running exercises at various locations in California to prepare for “future war-winning readiness.” And the photos being officially released include plenty of robot dogs, augmented reality headsets, resupply drones, and at least one mysterious AI-driven vehicle. There’s also…


Bad news for fans of gun-toting killer robot. Massachusetts wants to make your Black Mirror fantasy illegal. This week, two state senators proposed a first-of-its-kind bill that, if passed, would prohibit the manufacture, sale, or use of robots with mounted weapons.