Tech Insider
Hasbro toy display
Hasbro is cutting around 20% of its workforce, its CEO announced. The company is facing continued slow sales even into the toy-heavy holiday season, he said.

Half a decade after he was kicked off Twitter by the platform’s safety team, professional conspiracy theorist Alex Jones has been welcomed back to the site, which is now called X.



The early 2000s were the birthplace of the modern internet—especially social media and the creators that power its endless algorithmic engines. It’s been close to two decades since those strange days when MySpace ruled the webways and Facebook still had a “the” in its name, but looking back eeks a twinge of memory…



Notion combines note taking with project management, and has earned many fans because of its intuitive, open, flexible interface—it can essentially be anything you want it to be, giving you a web canvas to make your own mark on.

Gizmodo : Politics

Project Veritas, the far-right activist group aimed at holding journalists and progressives accountable through deleterious means, has cut off its nose to spite its face. James O’Keefe, who founded Project Veritas in 2010 and served as CEO, has been removed from the group following concerns over how O’Keefe was…