
For the last 10 years, Chromebooks have remained just what they are. Chromebooks are Chromebooks. Manufacturers release new models every year with slightly updated specs and Google makes minor additions to the ChromeOS-based platform. But despite that, Chromebooks are still low-end budget laptops for folks who only…



So you need a budget laptop? Good, because nowadays you can find a perfectly serviceable or downright solid laptop that will cost you a relative pittance considering the gross prices of other, top-of-the-line machines.


Apple may be thinking up ways to offer laptops that are cheaper and more pared down than its existing MacBook Air line.


When it came out in 2019, the HP Elite Dragonfly was easily one of the best laptops out there for traveling businesspeople. It was thin, light, powerful and flashy enough to show off at high end coffee shops or wherever rich people congregate. However, because of the vPro platform and a host of features that made it…