Tech Insider : Travel

Boeing's Starliner has kept two astronauts in space for weeks longer than their scheduled stay, as the NTSB sanctioned the company for releasing sensitive information about January's door panel incident.

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white surface on mars with a dark hole near the center that could be a portal to an underground lava tube
This 2022 image taken by the HiRISE camera onboard NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has reignited the conversation around these mysterious holes on Mars.
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spaceship grey and white shaped like a gumdrop with Boeing logo and American flag on it hanging above a metal platform with workers in hardhats surrounding a hole with cutaway rocket segment below
The Boeing CST-100 Starliner spacecraft is guided into position above an Atlas V rocket for an uncrewed test flight.
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four astronauts in orange spacesuits pose for portrait
The crew of NASA’s Artemis II mission (left to right): NASA astronauts Christina Hammock Koch, Reid Wiseman (seated), Victor Glover, and Canadian Space Agency astronaut Jeremy Hansen.
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four people wearing black polo shirts with the same small orange triangle logo pose together in front of a hanging tapestry of an island sunset with thanksgiving turkey drawings pinned at the top
The inaugural CHAPEA crew celebrates Thanksgiving inside the habitat. From left to right: Nathan Jones, Kelly Haston, Anca Selariu, Ross Brockwell.