Tech Insider
Avraham Kohanzadeh
Avraham Kohanzadeh will have his final semester at the Einstein College of Medicine paid for in full.
Tech Insider : Economy
Pennsylvania State University Students
Business Insider looked at the cost of big universities, such as The Pennsylvania State University.
Tech Insider : Economy, Politics
A small piggy bank is surrounded by a hurricane of student loan papers, unable to escape.
Despite the political fight over student-loan forgiveness, people with private student debt are stuck with predatory loan terms they can't escape.
Tech Insider : Economy, Politics
Student walking in empty classroom auditorium
  • College enrollment has declined over the last decade.
  • It comes amid higher education affordability issues and a surging student-debt crisis.
  • Today's hot labor market and campus politics may also have contributed to the drop.

A college degree just might not be worth it anymore.