
Just how far would you be willing to go to avoid the dreaded hangover? Researchers in Switzerland have developed an oral gel meant to prevent booze from breaking down into the toxic compounds most responsible for a hangover. In mice, it appeared to work as intended.



Increased drinking during the pandemic has had a real effect on our collective mortality, new research from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows. The study found that between 2020 to 2021, nearly 500 deaths a day could be attributed to excessive alcohol use—significantly higher than the death toll seen…


Gizmodo : Environment

Extreme heat is deadly. Exposure to high temperatures can make people sick and eventually lead to heat exhaustion and heat stroke. But new research shows that rising temperatures come with other compounding dangers.


Alcohol addiction could become a thing of the past with a new gene therapy that appears to significantly reduce alcohol cravings in monkeys, according to a

Tech Insider
Russian troops Ukraine tensions
Russia ordered troops to cross into rebel-held Ukrainian territory on Monday.