
Every movie starts with a script and a movie we’ve all been waiting for is finally getting one.


You’ve gotta hand it to Marvel Studios: it sure knew how to make its movies feel like big events back in the day.


Supporting himself with a cane, Michael Rooker still managed to grab hold of the spotlight on stage at New York Comic Con along with his fellow stars of


There was a time when it didn’t seem like Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 would ever happen. Or, maybe it would happen, but without James Gunn directing it.


The mountain of merchandise revealed at San Diego Comic-Con this year included a couple of toys we wish we could un-see.

Tech Insider
James Gunn and Chris Pratt as Star Lord in
Surveys from last year show James Gunn, writer and director of "Guardians," isn't alone in experiencing "superhero fatigue."