
New research has found a possible link between having high levels of caffeine in your blood and a reduced risk of high body fat and type 2 diabetes. The authors say that clinical trials should be done to confirm whether calorie-free caffeinated drinks can help prevent these conditions.



A team of scientists appears to be on track toward developing an effective treatment for drunkenness. In research out this week, they were able to quickly sober up drunk mice by boosting their levels of a naturally produced hormone called FGF21. More research will need to be done, but the team believes that FGF21…


Customers seeking Adderall, oxycodone, and other medications at Mexican pharmacies are being sold counterfeit pills containing dangerous substances like methamphetamine and fentanyl.



Investigators are looking into Snapchat’s alleged role in fentanyl-laced pills being distributed through the popular video and messaging app. Bloomberg is reporting that the FBI and Justice Department’s investigation is part of a broader probe into the nation’s counterfeit drug problem.