
Back in the ‘90s, Marvel released several Swimsuit Specials, mimicking the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issues, but for its audience of horny nerds. The results were...


In Tim Burton’s original Batman movie, as the caped crusader makes a dramatic rescue of Vicki Vale and escapes using his grapnel gun, the Joker wonders aloud, “where does he get those wonderful toys?” A question we finally have an answer to as Spin Mas


Last year, we were suitably impressed when DC Comics revealed its plans for how it was going to celebrate Pride Month (and how paltry Marvel’s offerings looked in comparison).


It’s still fairly early into the new year, and DC Comics is still gradually teasing out its lineup of books under the “Dawn of DC” banner. New publishing lines don’t just mean wholly new books, it means new creative teams get a shot at long-running heavy hitters, usually the solo books. We’re seeing this right now …


Kodansha’s formerly Japanese-exclusive trio of manga using DC Comics characters are getting their first official English-language releases this year—excellent news for anyone who’s ever wanted to watch the Joker raise a baby Bruce Wayne.


As wise men once sang, “the power of love is a curious thing”—and for that special someone who loves pop culture, finding the perfect gift sometimes has to be a more-than-ordinary quest.