Tech Insider

The bulletproof Cybertruck is perhaps Tesla's biggest gamble to date. It's not clear if Elon Musk will be able to sell enough of the $100,000 vehicles to break even — or if he'll even be able to sell them at all outside the United States.

Tech Insider

Tunnels have run under Gaza for decades. But when Hamas took over, the underground network expanded into what Israel calls its biggest military threat. We decoded the long history of the Gaza tunnels to find out what makes it so hard to destroy.

Tech Insider

Indonesia's mie lethek noodles, or "ugly" noodles, have a distinctive dull grayish color when cooked. We visited a factory that still makes them using 2,000-year-old methods — one of only two such factories left in the country.

Tech Insider

Farmers in parts of Ukraine formerly occupied by Russian troops face one of the largest minefields in the world.

Tech Insider

Farmers in parts of Ukraine formerly occupied by Russian troops face one of the largest minefields in the world.

Explosives are slow to remove by hand, so some are deploying robots and drones to help speed up the process and kick-start their devastated businesses.

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