Tech Insider : Economy
dominos pizza
Domino's CEO said the company provides a better value meal than some competitors.
Tech Insider
glue mixed in sauce with woman's face eating pizza
Adding glue to pizza sauce helps the cheese not slide off, Google AI had said. Now, the company is pulling back on its AI answers — and I can't help but feel like I should take some of the credit.
Tech Insider
glue mixed in sauce with woman's face eating pizza
Adding glue to the sauce helps the cheese not slide off, according to Google AI. (Don't try this at home, folks!)

And they say physical media is dead. The popularity of vinyl records continues to explode, and even the humble CD is staging a comeback after revenue from physical music sales hit a decade high.

Tech Insider
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Tech Insider
Hand taking photo of pizza with a smartphone
Slice is offering to pay someone to film pizzerias in a major US city.