
Like the original series, X-Men ‘97 has been adapting a variety of comic book storylines from the 90s.


The moment mutantkind has been dreading has come—and after the ashes of Genosha taught our heroes to expect the worst, not even the little preparation they have


In all good X-Men stories, out of the fires of chaos something new and exciting is reborn in phoenix-flame.


After last week’s episode—already a contender for one of 2024's best single episodes of TV—it would be tough for even a show as consistently strong as X-Men ‘97 t


The story of Marvel’s mutantdom is one of evolution, and with it, cycles—the rise and fall that almost always guarantees that the tale of the X-Men is one of endless battle, for a world that hates and fears them.


Adaptation is always a challenge—but it’s a particularly daunting one in the case of comic books, where a new medium has to reckon with translating sagas told across years of issues and continuity fluxes. For the most part, X-Men ‘97's latest episode navigates this task the best it can, but the sacrifices it makes…


Welcome back to Gizmodo’s March Madness bracket challenge to name the greatest app of all time! Flashlight continues to be an unstoppable force and it eliminated Evernote in yesterday’s contest, taking more than 66 percent of the vote. Today, we have two apps that have gotten a lot of love so far but one has to go.